An Ancient Herb Spirit Made from Wormwood 

#平安古皂 故名思義就是 #洗淨袪惡 , #永保安康 與 #增加好運 的 #平安梳洗肥皂 。全皂含榛果油丶乳油木果脂丶馬鬰蘭精油丶蕁麻葉與艾草漢方。#艾草 做為收驚淨化,安定心靈的強效草藥外,其藥理功效亦可以去寒溫脈丶緩解疼痛與濕疹等皮膚問題。若手邊有乾燥的艾草葉,可混合另外一些乾 #薄荷枝 丶 #大風草 丶 #檸檬百里香 與肉桂卷,香草種類隨君歡喜挑選,裝入到一個小布袋,掛在顯眼處,就是既不錯又平價的 #平安福袋,讓人心情安穩自在。


#Wormwood is known as very high value Chinese herb for ritualistic activity in Taiwan society. It’s was seem powerful as #immense#good #fortune and repels negative magic in tradition. There also several uses as preventing and overcoming health problem frequently. Wormwood used extensively as a #antibacterial#intestinal and #respiratory diseases. To use wormwood as a personal insect repellent, mixed some small quantity of dried wormwood leaves, spearmint, thyme and lemongrass with few #cinnamon sticks together in a cloth bag. Hanging high and always keep dried. 

Here is my homemade Chinese herbal wormwood soap associates the virtues of purity also rich with natural plants oils, support for any type of skins of kids and adults. Every bar soaps weigh 100gram in average and has been drying for a year long.  #clannsoap#clannhandmade #Artemisia #wormwoodsoap #chineseherbal


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