Pu’er Osmanthus Handmade Soap

#普洱茶 是大亞洲地區最具代表性滋味醇厚的茶葉。其茶具有許多細膩微妙的香氣物質。經過了適當時間的發酵與存放,葉子的香氣轉化為青馥香,久而久之是珍貴的甘美陳年香。茶葉本性屬寒,若經過陳放就能轉化成醇和厚重,喉韻溫暖。常聞喝普洱茶可以解油膩袪寒濕。尤其逐漸轉涼的秋夜裡,沖泡上一壺好沱茶,閉目細品,性靜情逸,和顏悅色,心神自然安定。\


Pu’er Tea is a famous Chinese tea whose usually drink by Cantonese people rise up from the emporium dynasty China ago. Pu’er is type of Chinese tea different from the British Black Tea which traditionally fermented dried and rolled in the maturation ongoing process. Pu’er Tea taste a little bit bitter, but it is a way to good health since a recent years some research indicates drinking Pu’er Tea could reduces the blood fat, three acids glycerine, the cholesterol and lose body weight. Pu’er Tea Osmanthus is a cheering bath soap infused with fresh natural Pu’er tea, scent of  #SweetOrange ,  #Spearmint , #TaiwanWildHoney , and rich with #HazelnutOils give the soaps an extra creamy texture. 
#茶香夜話 #茶皂 #中式手工皂 #普洱桂花皂 #克蘭氏 #桂花#clannhandmade #puer #chineseblacktea #tuocha #yamcha#puertea #osmanthus #teasoap


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