Peppermint, Coffee & Oatmeal in Power 



我不知道你對香味的抵禦能力,我可總對大自然賦予的植物香氛氣味,渴慕得傾心不已。這款黑名分明,個性化十足的咖啡燕麥蛋糕皂採用溫和親膚的 #橄欖油 丶 #薄荷綠因子 丶 #咖啡 與燕麥於一身,具有保濕去角質丶抗炎的功效。結合 #clannhandmade 自行調配香氣比例,以歐薄荷丶格羅索薰衣草 和 #燕麥 製成的蛋糕皂,散發著一種在薄荷田野𥚃喝咖啡的美好氣息,恬淡靜妤。適合任何膚質,帶清新氣息的 #胡椒薄荷與 #格羅索薰衣草味,讓你瞬間文青風上身。要不要嚐一塊呀😋

The uplifting peppermint & coffee scrub soap contains 70 percent of fatty hydrate rich pure olive oils, combined with natural oatmeal for moisturize and gently cleanse, coffee grounds for deep exfoliating. It’s always full of fresh smelly of aromatherapy oils mix #Peppermintessential oils with #LavadinGrosso essential oils. Mmmm~ these soaps good enough fights back against dry skin, nourish the skin while there are nobody could ever resist this charming delicious bar cakes 🍰. Weigh for each bar 100 gram. Would you like a piece😊
#蛋糕皂 #咖啡皂 #燕麥皂 #抗炎性 #個人專屬訂製 #gorgeous#clannsoap #cakesoap #coffeeoatmeal #Freshlymade


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